Sunday, January 17, 2016

Stash Report – January 17, 2016

I had to buy black fabric! I was completely out. I bought what was left on the bolt of Kona Black at JoAnn.

I didn't use enough fabric this to count.

Fabric Used this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Used year to Date: 1/2 yards
Fabric Added this Week: 5 1/2 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 5 1/2 yards
Net Fabric for 2016: -5 yards used

Bobbins emptied: 1

Check out Patchwork Times to see how others are doing.


  1. You will use that in no time flat. Black and neutrals are those colors you should never run out of. Great way to "enhance" your stash!

  2. You are starting off slow, but there is still plenty of time to get your numbers up. A little sewing every day helps me a lot.
